Is a picture worth a thousand words? If the answer is yes, perhaps the motion picture should be viewed as a string or a parabola consisting of a million words… two billion words. Is the motion picture (motion) accelerating into ever increasing forms and colors?
Conversely, perhaps this motion picture can be seen as a straight line of form and color. Although unseen, lots of molecules are swirling about within it, in a dance of arts and, yet again, seemingly, this picture (motion) rests in a static state. Can this be? Whatever the answer may be, these are some of the questions pondered by artists. Can we be empirical here? Dialectic here? Should it matter?

My first love in the visual arts has always been color. When I discovered printmaking (primarily monotypes)  in the late 1980s, I knew that I was home!

Although at one time I did large abstract expressionistic canvasses, the colors I wished to convey always eluded me.

Time and motion seem intertwined to me, but alas, I am awed by the thought of atoms swirling and colliding, always in motion and yet seemingly static. Could this be another way of saying that color bursts upon us in seeming disarray? Or is this merely an illusion of a new dimension?